Monday, November 3, 2008

How can they care so little???

So today in one of my classes a major project (worth 100 points) was due along with a review worksheet. Both were given to students over a week ago with frequent reminders and time in class on a couple of occasions. So this morning I go around to collect them from my students. In one hour 3 students had completed the project and only 5 had done the worksheet out of 11 students! And what got me most was the absolute lack of care. Not a single student showed any disappointment or regret that they had forgot to do it or anything. They just sat there as if this were the most normal and perfect thing in the world.

And then when we started doing some review activities, they were failing miserably because they didn't recognize any of the vocabulary. It's only vocabulary that we have been working on for 3 weeks and have been tested on several times.

My original plan was to go over the review sheet as a class the latter part of the hour and then answer any questions before tomorrows chapter test. But since so few had even completed the review sheet I was not about to just give the answers to the rest so I met with the 5 who had completed it and we went over it together. What did the remaining students do? They sat and gabbed.

Will I feel sorry for them when they fail the test miserably tomorrow? No way! I have done everything I can to help them succeed and they have done very little, for some of them absolutely nothing. It's just too bad that the quarter ends this week so there will be no chance to pull their grade up after this and the zero they earned for not completing their project.

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