Thursday, January 1, 2009


I was just reading a post on (click title for actual post) that really made me stop and think about students who don't study. One of this poster's students made the following comment when encouraged to study:

"You don't understand; if you don't study and fail,
it's because you didn't study. "But if you study and fail, it's
because you're stupid. "How would you rather feel?"

I've always had a hard time with the concept that students seem content to fail. Maybe it has nothing to do with being OK with an F but instead a fear of not being successful at something you try at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rarely studied for anything besides spelling tests in grade school. I was smart enough to pass everything in high school without really trying except math and some science and studying never really helped me with those. I had horrible math teachers and I can't memorize numbers at *all* so sitting there trying to drill the periodic table or my multiplication tables didn't help. None of it made sense until I got a different math teacher and her teaching style just clicked with me. I failed classes because I didn't give a shit about them. Unless you care about something that is a result of passing you won't pass. Good luck, you need it. <3